Felipe Sousa

Senior Software Developer based at LATAM focused in web, mobile, integrations and services development.


Cover Image for JS Async: async/await

The keyword async was implemented in ES2017. It makes it possible to create naturally asynchronous functions using the following notation...

Cover Image for JS Async: Promises

This post is the second in a series of 3 posts to explain and show how to work with asynchronous data in JavaScript.

Cover Image for JS Async: Callbacks

Asynchronous patterns are part of everyday life, can be a timer, reading a file or making a request, etc., at some point, you will need to manipulate this pattern and it is very important to know how to work with them and which strategy is...

Cover Image for Capturando erros com React Error Boundary

Genericamente falando, o lifecycle captura um error em qualquer ponto da árvore `abaixo` dele, qualquer erro que ocorra dentro do mesmo nó só será capturado pelo primeiro `boundary` da árvore no nível superior ao do nó.


Progressive Web Apps Done Right

Santiago - Chile

Devfest Santiago -

Shared web-components with StencilJS

Santiago - Chile

GDG Meetup Santiago -

Front In Fortaleza 2018

Fortaleza / CE - Brasil

Front In Fortaleza -